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Welcome and Aloha 

Clearing Negative energy from Your Home


Energy Healing for You or Your Loved Ones

is so beneficial to living your best life

Using Huna for clearing undesired energy from home is so practical, comprehensive and it works

"The Hawaiian Shamanic Practice of Huna is Simply an  Amazing Proven Energetic Practice to Naturally Clear, Cleanse and Heal the Undesired Energy and
Re-Establish the Peace and Harmony you Actually Desire"

 *please note*
(This is In Person for the Perth Area or done Online face to face for Remote Clearings and Healings)
Here are some reasons given by a just a few of my happy clients that were resolved by having themselves, their houses and spaces cleared and then gridded:
🔷Remove that Negative Feeling in Myself and My Home
🔷I wanted a totally clear new office space for my  business that      reflected my business and what we represent
🔷My House has been on the market and is not selling nor getting any offers
🔷The Home "Just Doesn't Feel Right" 
🔷Continual Bad Dreams
🔷Certain areas of the House Triggered Old Hurts and Emotions   

🔷Particular spots in the house just feel uncomfortable and "not right"

🔷Seeing Ghosts and Apparitions
🔷It feels like there's a Dark Presence in the House 
🔷Sleeping Issues for children and other family members 
🔷Previous Tenants /Occupants left a Bad Vibe behind that just won't Shift 
🔷I decided to Clear Myself and My Space and have the Best Energy to support me so I had my House "Energy Cleansed".
So What's involved in the Package of House/Business Clearing and Setting the Grid?

I'll talk with you and obtain a clear understanding of what's going on in your home or business and what you want to change with clearing the negative energy from home, we then set an appointment for clearing the bad energy from home.(the energy is healed and moved on). 
Once the bad old energy of the the house is cleared, I collaborate with you to then set the better new energy you really want to be present in your home. An energy grid is set to hold this new desired energy in place.

For clearing the negative energy from home in Perth.
I normally travel to your home to perform the clearing or healing.
Online remote clearings and healings are also available for outside the Perth area
or special requests.

It's wonderful to collaborate and help you reset the positive, healing, happy atmosphere in your home.

Huna House Clearing & Healing is a unique energy healing practice that is committed to helping individuals achieve a balanced and harmonious life. I specialise in energy cleansing and offer a variety of techniques to restore balance and harmony to my clients’ homes and lives.

My practice is based on the ancient Hawaiian practice of Huna, which is a system of energy healing and cleansing. Huna House Clearing & Healing is dedicated to connecting my clients with the power of their own energy and helping them find peace and balance in their lives.

It really is an honour to use my Huna Teachings & Tools (Huna is An Ancient Hawaiian System of Energy and Healing) to clear and cleanse your home or business of undesired energies and install new ones that support you and your space. 

You will notice and  be aware of the shift in the energy in your home.

A normal House or Business Clearing takes 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs and prices start from $200 depending on your issues and size of your home or business space. This can all be addressed in our initial chat.

energy clearing owner

About Me

Hi my name is Barry Farthing and I'm the owner and founder of Huna House Clearing.
Briefly, I’m a dedicated practitioner of "Huna"(Ho'omana:hawaiian name)- the ancient spiritual art of healing and empowerment. I have been actively involved in this practice since 2012 . Huna is Aloha(a life of Aloha is one when the heart is so full it is overflowing with the ability to influence others around you with your spirit) based and I love empowering people to discover the gentle power of the healing arts and how to use energy practically in their lives. As a Alternative Healer, I enjoy being able to bridge the gap between the physical reality and the spiritual power within us in a simple practical way, all the while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to heal.

My Huna Services

 energy house clearing package

House Clearing and Gridding Package

Using "Huna" which is the Ancient Hawaiian Shamanic System for Energy & Healing in a modern way to clear and cleanse the house/home of undesired energies. I then collaborate with you to install new supportive energies along with a grid to hold them.

A normal House Energy Clearing takes 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs and prices start from $200 depending on your issues and size of your home. This can all be addressed in our initial chat.

energy healings personally tailored

Tailored Healing

One to One session Utilising Huna Techniques and Processes so your issues are resolved. Huna is comprehensive  and since it uses energy it is able to address the whole issue which includes the spiritual/mental/emotional/physical aspect of the underlying issue.

A complimentary initial discussion will identify for both of us the likely course of action and sessions required.

As a guide my rate is from $175 per hour for actual cleansing and healing.

energy clearing house and personal healing

Combination of
Personal Healing and House Clearing Package

It is so true that people and the spaces they

occupy are indeed very connected.


Hence a house or business cleansing and a personal healing combination is very optimal and incredibly effective for the best possible outcome for a new fresh beginning.

Packages as a guide start at $375 and can be clarified in our initial chat.


Time involved does vary as required ..a guide is approximately 3 hours for the house clearing and the individual healing

house energy clearing

"Remember a Healed Person and a Healthy Home or Space,Creates A Healthy Life "

Home: Contact


For more information about Huna House Clearing and Gridding, Personal Individualised Healing, or my combo, don’t hesitate to contact me (Barry)..on 0421 905 196 ...Aloha

Hillarys WA 6025, Australia


+61 421 905 196

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